So this waiting thing has been kinda tough for me. Don't get me wrong...I LOVED the time I spent in NY with my family but being home and not having a purpose really drains you.
Things I try to fill my time with...
- maybe I'll mop the floors
- maybe I'll go for a long walk
- I know, I'll have lunch with --- fill in the blank
- serving
- small group (bible study)
- but all these things still leave me...empty.
Somehow even though I'm home, I don't feel at home anymore. I know God is pulling me elsewhere. Where? I patiently wait.
As it turns out when you are 35 and not working people ask questions. Questions you don't always know the answers to like...
What are you going to do?
What's your next move?
How's the job search going?
Well...I haven't looked for a job. BUT people have offered me things. I don't want to work. No, retract that. I don't feel like I'm supposed to be working right now. And it is an awkward conversation.
But I know God is calling me for so much more.
Tune in for my next step.
So leading, I know!