Monday, October 14, 2013

Thank you for the last 12 years, Lucy

You blessed me with some of the best and hardest years of my life. And you were always there for me. I'm glad I was there for you.

You loved me more than anyone has ever loved me. She would look at me like like I one was the only that she ever loved.  The only one that ever mattered. But she loved Mikey too. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Day One

Day one of my trip started out pretty early.  We met at the airport at 4am to start our journey. 33 of us. One family of four, a married couple, a couple dating, and father and son, friends from small groups, high schoolers (some that went the year before), college kids. Men and women who left their families behind and some of us that left our pets behind. Although we'd met and had a couple meetings to get to know each other better, we really were just still strangers. But strangers with a common bond. 

We left Raleigh at 6am and stopped in Washington DC. 

And after a small layover we boarded Ethiopia Air for our 14 hour flight!

Most of us didn't sleep much the night before and were hoping for some much needed rest. I don't know if it was the excitement, the awesome classic movie selection (insert sarcasm here) or the uncomfortable seats, but most of us didn't get more than a couple hours rest. We talked, played games, walked around, read and watched our trip on the monitors instead. 

We had a pit stop in Ethiopia. Where we played more games, had a bit to eat and a couple naps. 

After many hours in the air...we finally landed in Uganda! 

We had a short ride to our guest house in Kampala, the capital city. :-)   

            View from the third floor. 


After a chance to freshen-up we went out to dinner with Pastor Mike, his wife Laura, their son Adam and Pastor Doug. Our first Ugandan meal was at a Chinese restaurant. 

Finally, headed off to bed. We've got a 4-10 hour drive from Kampala to Gulu ahead of us. But that's day two. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. 

Monday, July 22, 2013


If you know me, really know me, you know my true disdain for feet. They are sooo gross to me. Sweaty, dirty, smelly, calloused....gross. So this past week really took me out of my comfort zone. Let me explain.....

Our trip had a couple different items in our agenda. I was a part of spending time with the Mums of Laminadera Village of Watoto. The kids get most of the attention from visitors, I mean they are some pretty cute kids and they call you Auntie or Uncle. How cute is that?! But it was on the hearts of our church to pamper, love on and hope to encourage the Mums.

For three days a group of women, myself included, led a devotional, gave a testimony and then broke into small groups. In our small groups we talked about the devotional and what touched us, we shared our stories and our prayer requests. Praying for and with these Mums was a huge honor for me.

After small groups we broke for lunch. The Mums went home and fed their little ones and made lunch for themselves. On the first day we walked around and visited with some of the Mums and played with the kids. The older kids, primary 1 or as we call it first grade, and up stay in school all day. But the little ones have half days.

After lunch we had a project or a craft for the Mums.

Ok, wait. Back to the feet. We need to back track a little. But also fast forward to day two with the ladies. Ok. Now I'm confused! Stay with me people.

On day two our devotional was about being the Bride of Christ and we wanted to celebrate the ladies. And serve them. And remind them that they are loved. So we did a feet washing ceremony. I paired up with the Hope girls from my small group and we washed the feet of the Mums in our group. One person poured water over their feet and washed them, one read scripture and one of us prayed over the ladies. And we rotated these roles so we all got a chance to experience each one. I think all of were a little out of our comfort zone. Praying aloud, touching feet and just being bold in our faith.

I prayed first. Sara washed feet. And Lauren read two Scriptures one being 1 Corinthians 6:11 '"But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."'

Then we switched and I washed feet. I washed Momma Joyce's feet and Momma Margaret's. What. An. Honor. I poured, rubbed and prayed. I prayed for where those feet had been and prayed for where those feet would take them. I prayed that they would always walk with God and know His love. When we finished all three of us prayed over the ladies. I cried when I prayed for Momma Lillian. Her smile is infectious and I prayed she always smiled that smile of pure Joy.

We did this before our lunch break so that the Mum's had a chance to meditate on the feet washing and the love poured out on them.

After lunch we did manicures and pedicures for the ladies! We had little stations set up. Each time I said "Welcome to Maureen's Salon!" What a weirdo. :-). They chose a color or two and we painted! I think I did five mani's and pedi's. I was all up in those toes. I just wanted them to know God's love and to see it through me. It didn't bother me in the least to hold their feet and touch their toes. I really wanted them to feel special. I wanted each toe and finger to look perfect for them! On a side note, the sparkle top coat was by far the best thing ever! At one point we had five ladies waiting for their sparkles. :-)

The whole day was amazing. But the thing that touched me the most is what Momma Rosemary said to me. She was my first 'client' at Maureen's Salon. She told me how loved she felt. She also told me that she "never had anyone show her love like this before." Mission Accomplished.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

How was your trip?

The question of the hour. How was your trip?

My answer? I'm still unpacking it. Literally and figuratively and spiritually and emotionally. All of it.

There was so much to take in. How did I change, how am I different? How do I want to be different? Why am I so blessed? How can I share my blessings? Why am I awake at 3:30 in the morning?!

I saw poverty but pure joy. I saw huts but homes filled with love. I saw pain but praise for Jesus. I saw dirt but I saw smiles too.

So as I prepare for my day, I reflect and think. I'm ready to serve in Kid City today and ready to worship my God. The same God that the wonderful people of Uganda will be worshipping today too.

I miss you Uganda! You are in my heart.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Fourth of July

Four years ago at this time I was preparing to get married the next week. The following fourth of July I was settling in to the fact that my marriage was over. But God works through all our bad, tough stuff to bring glory to him. And He sure has!

Three years ago I spent my first 4th with my family in years! I still needed their support and comfort. 4th of July was the first official holiday since we determined it was over. I still needed to tell my family (my extended family) and that was probably the worst part of it all. Really made you feel like a failure. I relied heavily on God during that time and really truly could not have made it without him.

My mom at the time was not saved and not really a fan of God either. I remember on one of my darkest days my mom said to me, " you know you're going to have to deal with this and not just leave it up to God. You are using Him as a crutch." I don't really know how to respond and then the words just came out. "Crutches are for people who can't walk on their own. And right now I can't. So I need my crutches." That was in February of that year.

When I went up for the 4th of July my mom said she wanted to check out this church that she had tried years before. I told her I'd go with her even though part fo me really wanted to go my friends church. I mean, how could I say no though?

This church is definitely a seekers church, one that reaches out to the community and makes everyone feel welcome and at home. Not a Sunday's finest kind of place. We sat about half way up on the right hand side of the sanctuary. It started off with some really good praise and worship and I liked it. My mom seemed into it as well. Good sign.

Then the sermon started. Being the 4th and all it was about freedom. The freedom that you can only ever have by serving and loving God. As we sat there, I couldn't help but feel like this sermon was written just for my mom. I wondered if she was taking it in. At one point the pastor said (I swear this happened!!) "I feel like I need to be speaking in this direction" and turned toward us. I swear he was looking right at her. I was kinda surreal. And I wondered if she noticed or felt the same way.

Well...she did! We talked afterwards and I didn't want to push her so I just asked what she thought of it all. She too felt like it was just for her! :-). That was three years ago. Since then she's been baptized, she's a member of her church and she is very involved...pretty much in everything!!

This Fourth of July, I am preparing for my trip to Uganda (did I mention I'm going to Uganda?!). My we've come a long ways in three years!

I can't help but look back over the last four years and think of all the wonderful things that came out of my pain. Without those trials I probably won't be as close to Christ as I am now. And surely I wouldn't be going to Uganda with some wonderful people that I met at Hope! And what about my mom?! What a blessing it's been to watch her grow strong in her faith and become a child of God.

Happy Fourth of July, y'all!!!!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Two weeks away!!!!

Can you believe this journey that started in February is only two weeks away?! It seems like I've been waiting forever and now it's almost here!

I've got all my shots and picked up my prescription for Malarone...trying not to "bring" anything home with me. Happy, Mom?! :-)

As this trip gets closer I find myself asking myself (and yes, if you know me I ALWAYS have conversations with myself. My friends have learned to just listen and let us work it out) what I have to offer. I know God put me on this trip and that I am there for a reason, but I wonder what it is? Parts of me feel like my whole life has led up to this and the other arts don't feel ready. Don't ask what parts. :-)

Also, people keep telling me this trip is going to be life changing. How does on prepare for such an event?!

I guess you just sit and wait and how patience. Can't wait to see how God is going to use me!!!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Oh, just some pretty cool updates is all.

I just got back from a Uganda trip meeting and I feel more ready than ever! There are a couple changes to our trip that I am very excited to share with you!

1. Not only will we be building a house, as planned, we will also be spending a great deal of time with the Mum's and just loving up on them and encouraging them. Our team leaders asked for people to volunteer to do this and also to help lead it...I hope I get picked! ;-)

Think single Mom to 8 kids!!! Oh, my! They NEED to be pampered and cared for. So much attention go to the kids, cause well, they're kids but he Mum's need it too!

2. We will have to separate afternoons with the kids. First day we are going to do an American Field Day, adapted for Ugandans. Haha. Not sure exactly what that means....but I'm in! And the next day we will go to church with them and then have kind of a carnival day with face painting and balloon figures and stuff. How much fun?!

3. This is still only a possibility, but maybe a strong possibility....praying!!!! The people of Hope Community Church raised enough money last Christmas to build a new church at one of the villages. There is a good chance it will be done and dedicated while we are there!!!!!!! How amazing is that?!?!?! Oh, that God of ours...always in the details. I tell ya!

My heart is bursting with excitement in the fact that we get to meet and serve these people that God has chosen for us to do so. He knew before I was knitted in my mothers womb that I would be there, with these fellow Christ followers serving the beautiful women and children of Watoto.

Right now, believe it or not, I'm speechless.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Bake sale/yard sale

Had a great week with my mom in town! Sure was nice having her here. :-)

We had a yard sale/bake sale with some friends and raised $150!! And making the baked goods with my Mom and brother was a real bonus. We made cupcakes, muffins, chocolate covered pretzels, cookies and cake pops. My cousin donated items that we sold, what a great girl. Thanks Amy!!

After the sale we got to spend some time with friends having a little BBQ celebrating a friends birthday. Lovely weekend.

Only $500 away!! I can't believe how close I am. God is good!

Sunday, April 7, 2013


It's amazing how 'habits' seem to make us who we are. It's also pretty crazy how hard it is to break a bad habit. If our habits are bad, we feel like bad people. But they are just habits. And when we break free from them we can feel new again.

I've been breaking my old habits and I've picked up some pretty cool new, good habits too. And I must say....I'm feeling pretty great about it! All Glory an honor to you, oh Lord!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Did you know God says we can test Him?

Malachi 3:10

10 Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.

Wow! God says TRUST ME!!! TEST ME!! I've got your back! Ok, maybe He doesn't use those exact words, but it's implied. :-).

In my last post I talked about 'really trusting God' and how after taking a look at myself seeing what I needed to change. One of the things on my LONG list was tithing. I've tithed for awhile giving to charities, sponsoring people (Watoto!!!) and putting into the offering plate when I remembered to get cash. But never my 10%. 10% seemed so Old Testament. 10% seemed undo able. 10% seemed down right crazy!! I'm a single income family for me and my two cats. And if you've never met Lucy, well, my girl likes to eat! 10%, huh?

It's pretty clear that 10% is the benchmark. 10% is stated over and over in the Bible. Ok...10%. I set up automatic giving so I knew there was no going back, and no way I could forget OR not make giving my priority. I want to be "All in!"

Almost the moment I clicked confirm for my auto deduct, people started giving to me! In the first three weeks I raised $85. And now I've raised about $850!! I also got my taxes back and put that towards my trip too. Today as I stand before you (typing on my phone)...I only need $1000 more. Wow!! I have a month to go and I just know God will provide. Why? Because He says I can test Him. And He WILL provide.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

REALLY trusting this time!

This week has been life changing.  Nothing big happened in my day to day activities per say, but my lifestyle and my priorities sure have.  As you know, I've been trying to raise money for my trip and it has been less than fruitful so far, but this week I realized why....

For a couple months I have had "Obedience leads to righteousness" running through my head, almost on a daily basis.  Sometimes I've wondered why I don't feel so close to God.  I love Him, I serve Him but at times have felt unconnected.  I can think back to my teen years where I felt the Holy Spirit all the time.  Any time I called on the Holy Spirit He filled me immediatly.  I know there will be times that you feel closer and times you feel less closer to God, ebbs and flows and all....but I longed for it.  And couldn't figure out why it wasn't happening.  Sometime last week it was like a lightbuld was turned on.  Obedience leads to righteousness and I have not been obedient.  And God hears the prayers of the righteous, but I wasn't exactly doing my part.  So I decided it was time to set myself apart from the rest of the world.  As a Christian I know that we are in this world, but not of this world.  But my actions and the way I've been living my might be hard for someone to know that I am different.  I am a Christian.  I want my life to reflect my beliefs.  I want to be the same person in church as I am with my friends.  And honesty time - I haven't always been.  But I'm ready.

I've already starting making some changes and I feel different.  Guess what?  I can feel the Holy Spirit again and I can hear God better too.

One thing God has put on my heart is REALLY trusting in him.....starting with my finances.  I tithe, but not always regularly.  I tithe through Watoto, K-love and the occasional offereing, if I remember to bring cash or have a check with me.  But giving until it hurts was not something I've been doing, that's for sure.  If I want to trust God that all of this is going to come together in the end, I had better do my part in giving back to Him.  I set up automatic weekly tithing with both of my churches.  This way I don't have to remember cash or checks.  Giving to God WILL happen weekly this way.  I also wanted to give to God first.  SO often we do our bills and see what we have left...out of what I have left, what can I give to God?  Well this way, He gets it first.  And that's the way it should be.  That's what we are called to do.

Some people might think I'm crazy that while I am saving money and not spending like I used too, I am giving away way more than I ever have, and that's okay.  I feel really good about it. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Trust, believe and know

While driving into work yesterday, I was talking to my mom on the phone. Catching up, finding out when she'll be down for a visit and talking about my fund raising. She asked how this week was going and I told her I hadn't heard or received anything, but for people who donate online, I don't have visibility to it until Friday. She old me not to get discouraged and I reminded her that I only have 1.5 months left to raise it. Same story, different day.

I've told you before that YES I trust in God and YES I believe He wants me on this trip and YES I know that this is part of the journey but can be a hard one.

So, I head into work and put the conversation behind me and get started on my day. One of my assistants and I laugh all day long! All the time. We have the same weird sense of humor and just laugh....tough job, I know! So I'm not thinking about my conversation or different ways to raise money.

But then this couple comes in. They sat in one of the foot massagers and then moved to the massage chairs. I helped them in both and she told me that she loved this foot massager she tried in Taiwan. I asked her what brought her there and she said she had done two missions trips there. I told her I had family in China now and she asked me if I've ever thought about doing missions work in China. I tell her not really, Africa is in my heart and tell them I'm going to Uganda this summer. Then she asks me if I'm raising the money or paying for it? So I told them my story. I'm trying to raise it, I have to, I don't have $3000 but feel led and called to serve God this way. I told them that raising the money has been really hard and at times really discouraging. Well, it turns out they were both pretty well versed in raising money for missions and he has to raise money for his yearly salary as a Campus ministry leader in DC. He has taken classes on it and offered some tips. Then he recalls his scripture reading from that morning and he says to his girlfriend, "remember I was just telling you about it this afternoon." You could just see Jesus all over them as individuals and as a couple. (I hope someday, someone uses that description as a way of describing me!)

His scripture reading was 3 John 1:5-8

3 John 1:5-8
New International Version (NIV)
5 Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers and sisters,[a] even though they are strangers to you. 6 They have told the church about your love. Please send them on their way in a manner that honors God. 7 It was for the sake of the Name that they went out, receiving no help from the pagans. 8 We ought therefore to show hospitality to such people so that we may work together for the truth.

He tells me that we need to not look at it as begging, but as a way to allow people to partner with God on behalf of all that are called to share God's love with the world! Did I mention this couple is like 20-22 years old! What wisdom!!

Wow! To top it off...she looked at him and said, I can write a check right now! She pulls out her checkbook, reads my name tag and writes a check for $50 to Maureen. I try not to cry (in front of them) give them each a hug and say thank you, I really needed that today. They old me not to get discouraged and trust in God. and just like that, they leave.

I know that this couple was a gift from God. He knew what I needed. Not just the money but the encouragement. And the reminder that I am right where I'm supposed to be. Thank you, Jesus.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lead not on your own understanding.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

For my fitness friends!!!

Last weeks prize was for my wine loving friends and this week I'm showing some love to my fitness friends!!

Did you know that to stay healthy you need to take 10,000 steps a DAY? Do you do it? Now you can know for sure!

The prize for this weeks raffle is a Fitbit Zip. I like to think of it as a pedometer on steroids! Not only does it count your steps, it tracks your distance in miles and tells you how many calories you've burned. But that's not all! It also tracks everything for you on your computer so you can watch your fitness and health progress.

PLUS, with Fitbit's free iPhone and Android apps and website, you can set goals and track how active you are throughout the day. The more you know, the more motivated you'll be to reach your goals.

To win, just log in to the site below and make a donation in my name in the in honor of/memory of space. (Maureen Wight/July Uganda Trip). No donation is to small...or too big!! ;o)

Good Luck!! The winner will announced one week from today!

Let your Light Shine!

"You are the light of the world. A city on the hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and paise your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:14-16

I needed to hear that this week! This week brought back some old feelings of unworthiness and loneliness. See, this journey has me stepping out of my comfort zone way more than I had realized it would. I thought this was about my journey in Africa, but the journey to even get there has already been eye opening for me. And at times, it's been down right painful. And it hasn't even been a month into it! Oy, vey!!

I had a friend tell me this week that they did not support me or this trip. That if I really wanted to make an impact on Uganda, I, we, could just send the money it takes to go and let them build the house and let them have the job. They said they thought Church was a joke and that it was more about "look at me! And look at what I'm doing!" And it hurt. And it made me realize that a lot of the people I sent letters to or told about this trip probably feel the same way. To top it off, I raised zero money this week. So that really reinforced those thoughts and feelings. I put myself out there to share this with everyone I knew thinking maybe they cared or maybe this is what someone else needed to hear...that Christians are not just judgement people who think everyone is going to burn in hell. That some of us want to make a difference in this world and show God's love through us. But with the lack of response, it really made me feel alone. I had thoughts of closing my FB and not continuing this blog and just selling what I needed to just to have enough money to go. I mean, I guess this experience isn't interesting to anyone else, so why am I even bothering?

Then I heard Big Daddy Weave's song 'Redeemed' and it reminded me that I am not that old person who has to struggle with thoughts of not being worthy...because I AM redeemed! He has set me free! Just because I had a rough week, doesn't change this trip and what it means to ME!! Here's an excerpt from the song -

Seems like all I could see was the struggle
Haunted by ghosts that lived in my past
Bound up in shackles of all my failures
Wondering how long is this gonna last
Then You look at this prisoner and say to me "son
Stop fighting a fight it's already been won"

I am redeemed, You set me free
So I'll shake off these heavy chains
Wipe away every stain, now I'm not who I used to be
I am redeemed, I'm redeemed

All my life I have been called unworthy
Named by the voice of my shame and regret
But when I hear You whisper, "Child lift up your head"
I remember, oh God, You're not done with me yet

I am redeemed, You set me free
So I'll shake off these heavy chains
Wipe away every stain, now I'm not who I used to be

Then last nights church service hit home too. (The Lord really does know what you need to hear and when you need to hear it!!) It was about being that light and being that light for God and SHINING for Him and for the world to see! As a human (and as an American!) I think sometimes we are just looking for that instant gratification, that instant acknowledgement that what I'm doing means something to someone else. But that's not always how God works. My job is to let that light shine, to show people how God is working on me. How He's changing me and how I can be redeemed through HIM! Who knows...maybe my trip will impact someone else. But meanwhile, I will strive to be that light. One that is bright and worthy of being set on a table to give light to the whole house. And I also know for sure....that HE is not done with me yet!!

Love you all!!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Dear Diary...

At the beginning of this week I posted on a friends wall some words of encouragement.  She is going to church now and growing closer to the Lord and we couldn't be happier for her.  But it seems like people are trying to pull her down.  I reminder her that as we increase in our faith, the devil increases his pull on us.  I also shared one of my favorite bible verses with her that has helped me through some tough times. 

Jeremiah 29:11

New International Version (NIV)
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

And by Saturday, I needed those words spoken to me.

It's been a bit of a rough week.  Day after day something not great happened, and by the end of the week it seemed almost overwhelming.  
1.  I had some dental work started in July of last year and I put off finishing it until now and the cost, which I thought was paid for, was $1500.  But it'll all be done in three weeks! Yay!  But this extra expensive was not planned and obviously didn't come at a good time being that I'm saving and raising money for Africa.
2.  My mother is being laid off in April.  They've been giving her the run around for two years now, but it's official.  She's worked for Blue Cross and Blue Shield for almost 30 years.  So it's going to be a tough time going forward.  Emotionally, financially...
3.  My Grandmother is in the hospital again for the third time in about a month and a half.  Doctor's say she is congestive heart failure.  Which can be something small or something really big.  But the fact is she is almost 85 and she isn't going to actually ever be "better."  I love that woman.  
4.  Work has been tough.
5.  I only raised $185 in the first two weeks and now I feel like I'm begging and it feels almost impossible.
6.  I spread myself to thin and I'm tired.

But I know that all things are possible with God.  So, I will trust in Him and this day too shall pass.

Win a Brookstone Wine Aerator!!!

I need to raise $1700 by the 17th of March to stay on track for my ultimate goal of $3000 by May 1st.  To date I have received $ we're off!!!  Thank you to those who have given.

Seems kinda lofty but with God, all things are possible!

Let me break this down so you can see where you might fit in....
 $1700 is $850 a week.....
We need - 3 people to donate $100
                6 people to donate $50
                5 people to donate $40 and
                6 people to donate $25

If we can do this I will put every ones name in a hat and raffle off the Areo Wine Aerator from Brookstone.  A $50 gift from me to you!  I don't know who donates until Friday of each week, so a winner will announced EVERY Sunday.  There will be a prize every week, so the more you donate, the more you can win!

Here's the link again to donate and make sure to put my name in the in honor of/memory of space...Maureen Wight (Uganda, July Trip)

Thank you again for all your love and support and especially prayers!!


Thursday, February 28, 2013



I heard a speaker recently say that in the Bible it is said 48 or more times that we need to care for the widow and the orphan. The speaker went on to say that it made him think of a father telling his children “Now, kids, I'm telling you again...make sure you take care of the orphan and the widow!” God repeats things when he wants our attention. Well, sir, you have mine!

Psalm 68:5 A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows

Did you know that nearly 11 million children die each year before their fifth birthday? (World Hunger Facts)
Did you know in sub-Saharan Africa the HIV/AIDS epidemic has orphaned more then 14 million children? (UNAIDS Global Facts & Figures 2009)
Did you know that more than 66,000 children have been abducted – forced to serve as child soldiers in Uganda? (UNICEF, 2008)
Did you know at the end of 2008 it was estimated that out of the 31.3 million adults worldwide living with HIV/AIDS, around half are women? (UNAIDS, 2009)

Some more statistics....
79% in rural areas use kerosene lanterns (tadooba) for lighting
41% in urban areas use electricity
10% of households use the bush as their toilet
86% use pit latrines and only 1% use flushing toilets

Deuteronomy 10:18 He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, He loves the alien, giving him food and clothing.

So the question is why do I want to go to Uganda? Why do I feel compelled to help? Why do I love Watoto? Watch the video below... if that doesn't work just go to youtube and type in Watoto.  You can also see the children's choir there too!

I first heard about Watoto about a year and a half ago. Hope Community Church had partnered up with them about a year before that and raised enough money to build a church for a new village (there are currently three!) and there was a presentation about the organization....I fell in love! I sponsored a little boy that day – Anslem Wasswa Ssamanya, he was 5 years old at the time. The same age as my niece Juliana is today. Anslem was neglected as a baby and was brought to Watoto by concerned authorities. By the time Anslem got to Baby Watoto he was weak and malnourished and suffering from tuberculosis. After months of loving attention from his nannies, he became a healthy child. Today he is living with his housemother and his Watoto brothers and sisters. I'm told he is loved and comfortable in his home. Now at 7 he goes to school where can receive a quality education and he will continue on until he graduates from high school. And either learn a trade or go to college.

I think the thing that got me is that this couple, Garry and Marilyn Skinner, saw a need and didn't just want to build an orphanage (not knocking orphanages!) but wanted to give these children a real home. A home where they can grow up loved and cared for, but more than that – have a family! A family that will always be theirs. I love that they give these women a purpose! They get to have a home, they get to raise their own children and be blessed with more children to care for. These women would also be living on the streets and have no way to care for their children. :-(

When Watoto came around about a year later, I decided I needed to sponsor a Mom too. Her name is Ajok Betty. I like to call her Betty for short. She is 46 years old. She lovingly guides her kids and nurtures them spiritually and physically. She provides them with healthy meals and sends them off to school everyday with a prayer. I'm told she loves to teach her children good manners and social skills. Good job, Betty! We should get her over here! Lol

Isaiah 1:17 Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.

So when the opportunity arose for me to go to Uganda (maybe even meet Betty and Anslem!!!!) I just knew it was something the Lord wanted me to do. I will admit I wanted to do it too, so it didn't take much convincing on His part! The idea that I get to help build a house that a family will live in, a house where there will be love and God's word....I am honored and in awe that I get to be a part of that.

Please be a part of this with me. Share my experience and help me get there!!!! The cost is $3000 and it all has to be paid for my May 1st. When I first heard this and found out that any of the balanced will be paid by ME, I said, OK...I can do that...until I found out I can't put any of it on a credit card. I can not do this alone...I need your help! Please consider giving me some of your money. ;0) Here's how.... and make sure to put my info in the in memory of/in honor of Maureen Wight (July, Uganda trip). Please call me or email me if you have any issues using the site! You can also donate by check as well. You can make it out to me or Hope Community Church with my info in the memo line. Thank you all for your prayers and donations!

James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress ans to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

When we live in a community of love, we can solve any of our problems. - Gary Skinner, founder of Watoto

Friday, February 22, 2013

Let ME be your hands and feet, Lord.....

Let ME be your hands and feet, Lord.....

Iapplied to go on a Missions trip with Hope Community Church aboutthree weeks ago and found out last Friday that my application wasaccepted! The word “accepted” might sound a little weird beingthat I was asking to help serve, but Hope is a HUGE church and theyare only taking 35 I feel pretty blessed. ;-)

Wehad our first meeting on Sunday, kind of a meet and greet for theteam and an informational meeting. As I was walking into the churchI started to get a little nervous...most people think I'm a coolcucumber, but I'm not! Walking in thoughts were racing through myhead – I don't know ANYONE, what if they don't like me, what if Idon't bond with these people, what if I feel out of place....what amI doing?! Where do I come up with these cooky ideas like “hey, whynot go on a possible life-changing missions trip with a bunch ofstrangers?” So I walked up the stairs found room 2060, grabbed thepaperwork with my name on it and sat down next to someone who Idecided would be my new friend. And it all worked far.

Thefirst thing David, one of our leaders, says he wants us to do isintroduce ourselves, tell everyone what we do for a living, have weever been on a missions trip before and what are fears are for goingon this trip. David thinks this is going to break the ice. WhatDavid doesn't know is my heart is now pounding, thank you David. What IS my name? Just kidding, I've had that part down for awhilenow. It's Maureen. What do I do for a living? I am a store managerfor a retail store called Brookstone, please come visit me at theSouthpoint Mall. Everyone chuckles. Have I been on a missions tripbefore? I was a youth leader last summer with my other church, OurLady of Lourdes, where I am a youth leader for our youth group, andwe went to Lancaster, Pa with Catholic Heart Work Camp. Lancaster....Uganda...not quite the same. Everyone chuckles. Andwhat am I afraid of? What I told them or what am I really afraid of? I told the group that I am afraid that I don't know anyone..not oneof you even looks familiar and I am nervous about traveling for 30hours straight. And I sit down and my new friend starts talking. Ihave no idea what she says because my heart is still pounding. MaybeI'll catch it next time.

Whatam I really afraid of? Not coming up with the $3000 it costs to goin two months. I'm afraid that I am not ready, not preparedspiritually for this trip. I know that going on a missions trip toAfrica is something I have always wanted to do and have felt led todo, but is this my longing or God's call for me? I also think thisis a pretty common fear. But I know there is a reason that I am oneof the 35 and not on a waiting list in case someone else can't makeit. And I know I will raise the money. Because I know, I know I amwhere I am supposed to be.

SoI ask you to prayerfully donate or donate because you like me...I'mOK with that too! And I ask you to come on this journey with me. Iam so amazed that I get to do this and I get to share it with you. Iwill try not to make this blog my personal diary. I said I will try!

Ifyou would like to donate (and I hope you do!) you can go to You will have to walk through the process as if you were givingyour weekly tithe, but I swear it's there. Please make sure you doit in memory/honor of …..ME! You need to write in my name MaureenWight and also what trip it is “Uganda/July trip” Please call meor email me if you have trouble figuring it out. NOTE: The websiteis only able to accept debit cards at this time. You can also donateby writing a check. You can mail it to me and I can bring it in. Please make it out to “Hope Community Church” and put my name andtrip info in the memo. Ex. Maureen Wight, July Uganda trip.

Ithank you from the bottom of my heart for praying for me andfinancially supporting me on this trip.

Iwill keep you all updated on how well I'm coming along financially,emotionally and spiritually! So make sure to check back!

Onelast item to address. My birthday is on Monday, so if you wereplanning on giving me a gift – this would be a great one. And ifyou weren't planning on giving me a birthday gift – this would be agreat year to surprise me!

Maureen,Reenie, Mo, Mo-Mo, Mo-Reenie....whatever name you know me by. Lol

