Sunday, July 21, 2013

How was your trip?

The question of the hour. How was your trip?

My answer? I'm still unpacking it. Literally and figuratively and spiritually and emotionally. All of it.

There was so much to take in. How did I change, how am I different? How do I want to be different? Why am I so blessed? How can I share my blessings? Why am I awake at 3:30 in the morning?!

I saw poverty but pure joy. I saw huts but homes filled with love. I saw pain but praise for Jesus. I saw dirt but I saw smiles too.

So as I prepare for my day, I reflect and think. I'm ready to serve in Kid City today and ready to worship my God. The same God that the wonderful people of Uganda will be worshipping today too.

I miss you Uganda! You are in my heart.

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