Thursday, February 28, 2013



I heard a speaker recently say that in the Bible it is said 48 or more times that we need to care for the widow and the orphan. The speaker went on to say that it made him think of a father telling his children “Now, kids, I'm telling you again...make sure you take care of the orphan and the widow!” God repeats things when he wants our attention. Well, sir, you have mine!

Psalm 68:5 A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows

Did you know that nearly 11 million children die each year before their fifth birthday? (World Hunger Facts)
Did you know in sub-Saharan Africa the HIV/AIDS epidemic has orphaned more then 14 million children? (UNAIDS Global Facts & Figures 2009)
Did you know that more than 66,000 children have been abducted – forced to serve as child soldiers in Uganda? (UNICEF, 2008)
Did you know at the end of 2008 it was estimated that out of the 31.3 million adults worldwide living with HIV/AIDS, around half are women? (UNAIDS, 2009)

Some more statistics....
79% in rural areas use kerosene lanterns (tadooba) for lighting
41% in urban areas use electricity
10% of households use the bush as their toilet
86% use pit latrines and only 1% use flushing toilets

Deuteronomy 10:18 He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, He loves the alien, giving him food and clothing.

So the question is why do I want to go to Uganda? Why do I feel compelled to help? Why do I love Watoto? Watch the video below... if that doesn't work just go to youtube and type in Watoto.  You can also see the children's choir there too!

I first heard about Watoto about a year and a half ago. Hope Community Church had partnered up with them about a year before that and raised enough money to build a church for a new village (there are currently three!) and there was a presentation about the organization....I fell in love! I sponsored a little boy that day – Anslem Wasswa Ssamanya, he was 5 years old at the time. The same age as my niece Juliana is today. Anslem was neglected as a baby and was brought to Watoto by concerned authorities. By the time Anslem got to Baby Watoto he was weak and malnourished and suffering from tuberculosis. After months of loving attention from his nannies, he became a healthy child. Today he is living with his housemother and his Watoto brothers and sisters. I'm told he is loved and comfortable in his home. Now at 7 he goes to school where can receive a quality education and he will continue on until he graduates from high school. And either learn a trade or go to college.

I think the thing that got me is that this couple, Garry and Marilyn Skinner, saw a need and didn't just want to build an orphanage (not knocking orphanages!) but wanted to give these children a real home. A home where they can grow up loved and cared for, but more than that – have a family! A family that will always be theirs. I love that they give these women a purpose! They get to have a home, they get to raise their own children and be blessed with more children to care for. These women would also be living on the streets and have no way to care for their children. :-(

When Watoto came around about a year later, I decided I needed to sponsor a Mom too. Her name is Ajok Betty. I like to call her Betty for short. She is 46 years old. She lovingly guides her kids and nurtures them spiritually and physically. She provides them with healthy meals and sends them off to school everyday with a prayer. I'm told she loves to teach her children good manners and social skills. Good job, Betty! We should get her over here! Lol

Isaiah 1:17 Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.

So when the opportunity arose for me to go to Uganda (maybe even meet Betty and Anslem!!!!) I just knew it was something the Lord wanted me to do. I will admit I wanted to do it too, so it didn't take much convincing on His part! The idea that I get to help build a house that a family will live in, a house where there will be love and God's word....I am honored and in awe that I get to be a part of that.

Please be a part of this with me. Share my experience and help me get there!!!! The cost is $3000 and it all has to be paid for my May 1st. When I first heard this and found out that any of the balanced will be paid by ME, I said, OK...I can do that...until I found out I can't put any of it on a credit card. I can not do this alone...I need your help! Please consider giving me some of your money. ;0) Here's how.... and make sure to put my info in the in memory of/in honor of Maureen Wight (July, Uganda trip). Please call me or email me if you have any issues using the site! You can also donate by check as well. You can make it out to me or Hope Community Church with my info in the memo line. Thank you all for your prayers and donations!

James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress ans to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

When we live in a community of love, we can solve any of our problems. - Gary Skinner, founder of Watoto

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